Led by the church, designed by the best.

In partnership with Engineering Ministries International, we’re building a safe home for girls. 

A home that makes Heaven feel near. 

You can help unlock access to gospel-centered discipleship, education, food security, and a loving community.

Built in partnership with:

Karen & Jim (WARM), Pastor Mamadou (EPS), André & Moses (EMI)

Engineering Ministries International

A Christian non-profit made up of architects, engineers, surveyors, and construction managers who value Design, Discipleship, and Diversity.

Presbyterian Church of Senegal

Bringing like-minded Presbyterian denominations together across West Africa.

Mission to the World

Mission to the World prepares and serves long-term & short-term missionaries in 100 countries around the world.

West African Reformed Mission

MTW’s strategic regional partnership with the West African church — committed to the establishment and growth of “gospel-centered” churches in communities where Islam and/or African Traditional Religion have existed for centuries.

“Our God demonstrates His heart of boundless mercy to the poor and outcast through His people, the Church. Teranga Village will provide safety to the under-served, as His people demonstrate His compassion to them before a watching world.”

Cartee Bales, 
director of field operations, mission to the world
industry-leading construction

Human-centered design

By partnering with Engineering Ministries International, we’re able to bring a custom and sustainable design to the Senegalese girls that meets their needs and honors their culture. The highest quality construction ensures Teranga Village is designed to last — so girls can thrive for generations to come.

“In every layer and threshold of the site and buildings, this idea of Teranga has been at the forefront. Here the girls get to experience that and step into a new story with Him — God’s story. Connected to Him, connected to people and connected to His creation.”

AndrÉ Olwagen, 
Architect, Engineering Ministries International

  • How to Build a Village: A step-by-step guide

    One of the most profound things that Jesus ever said about his Kingdom is who it belongs to: children. In Jesus’ day, this was upside down. Children held the lowest status in society. But we know God’s Kingdom is about making all things rightside up.

    We believe Teranga Village is a way to play our part in making all things new.

    So, let’s get started >

  • 1. See where God is working

    God is working in ten thousand ways around us. Building a village starts with us acknowledging God is inviting us to join Him rather than starting from scratch on our own. Jesus called followers before founders.

  • 2. Take the next step in obedience

    It can be overwhelming when we see the Kingdom-sized vision God is inviting us to join. But God doesn’t expect or want us to fulfill the big vision in a day, month, or our timeline. He tells long stories. Because He cares about our transformation along the journey.

  • 3. Lead with the church, design with the best

    God never calls us to carry out a Kingdom-sized vision by ourselves. His desire is for the Church to work together to bring his Kingdom in the here and now. This requires that we build with community and quality to reflect God’s image.

  • 4. Remember the who behind the what

    Once we gain traction, it’s tempting to lose sight of why we started to build in the first place. It’s important to remind ourselves daily of the people we’re committed to and the fact that we’re following God in the work He’s started and will continue.

  • 5. Create generational change that reaches into eternity.

    Kingdom work is ongoing. When we partner with God and His Church, the impact stretches beyond our lifetime and into eternity.

    Join us >

Join the home team

It takes a village to raise $1.5M

Generous givers like you are helping us raise $1.5M to build Teranga Village. Join the community bringing housing and discipleship to girls vulnerable to trafficking. 


Build a home

Your $105K donation can build one home for nine girls and a house mom.


build a room

Your $31.5K donation can build one room for three girls.


build a future

Your $10.5K donation can build a suite for one house mom.

Create generational change that starts now.

When you give to Teranga Village, you’re providing more than safe housing. You’re helping girls unlock their potential in a gospel-centered community.