Join the home team

Help build a home that makes Heaven feel near.

Teranga Village is a ministry of the Presbyterian Church of Senegal in partnership with West African Reformed Mission and Mission to the World. 

When you give online you’ll be directed to Mission to the World’s secure donation form.

Create generational change that starts now and reaches into eternity.

When you give to Teranga Village, you’re providing more than safe housing. You’re preventing the exploitation of girls. And you’re unlocking access to gospel-centered discipleship, education, food security, and a loving community.

Join the home team

It takes a village to raise $1.5M

Generous givers like you are helping us raise $1.5M to build Teranga Village. You belong in this community bringing housing and discipleship to girls vulnerable to trafficking. 


Build a home

Your $105K donation can build one home for nine girls and a house mom.


build a room

Your $31.5K donation can build one room for three girls.


build a future

Your $10.5K donation can build a suite for one house mom.

“I hope that the true heritage of this ministry will be that all of the girls know their worth.”

Directress of Teranaga Village

The home team is for people like you

“This isn’t a handout — these girls are being cared for and taught life skills, to be God-fearing, loving, and to serve others. We think Teranga Village further enables this mission and will be a light to others around the Village.”

Jim K.
Newark, DE

teranga village is being built in partnership with

Presbyterian Church of Senegal • West African Reformed Mission • Engineering Ministries International • Mission to the World

Ways to give


When you give online you’ll be directed to Mission to the World’s secure donation form for Teranga Village Construction.

By Check

Make payable to: Mission to the World
Memo: Project #0587 Teranga Village

Mail To:

Mission to the World
P.O. Box 744165
Atlanta, GA 30374-4165

Teranga Village is a ministry of the Presbyterian Church of Senegal in partnership with West Africa Reformed Mission and Mission to the World