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our vision
how to build a village

Team Bios

Pastor Mamadou & Marie
Presbyterian Church of Senegal

Pastor Mamadou D. is the president of the Presbyterian Church of Senegal and serves on the board of directors of the West African Reformed Mission (WARM). Together, he and his wife, Marie, began the safe girls ministry in 2013 and are leading the effort to build Teranga Village.

Prior to this, Pastor Mamadou and Marie co-founded the Good Samaritan School, a highly reputable elementary school, as an outreach in an impoverished community. Pastor Mamadou is also the principal director of the Timothy House, a residential church planter training center, and the founder and director of the African Samakag Institute which provides entrepreneurial training for Senegalese youth.

Jim W. 
Regional Director, WARM & MTW

Jim serves as the lead project consultant for Teranga Village. He is the chairman of West African Reformed Mission (WARM) and the West African Regional Director for Mission to the World (MTW), the mission agency of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). 

Jim lives with his wife, Karen, and son, Roman, in Senegal where he helps lead the Timothy House, a residential church planter training center, with the Presbyterian Church of Senegal.

Karen W.
administrative coordinator, WARM

Karen serves as the administrative coordinator for the Teranga Village project leadership team and also helps Marie, the directress of Teranga Village with varying needs for the girls. She lives in Senegal as a missionary with Mission to the World, where she also serves as the administrative assistant to the MTW West Africa Regional Director and WARM Chairman, her husband, Jim. Additionally, she enjoys equipping and encouraging church planter wives. 


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